Who could notice you in this world of seven-plus billion? Who would care to love you for being a no-good minion? Yet a gentle voice speaks, “I completely do. I see you, and I love you. Yes, despite you” (Gen. 16:13; Rom. 5:8).

“Gracipient”—not found in lexicon, but see a believer’s life as a definition. It’s a claim that every one of us can embrace every time, everywhere: We, the vilest among the vilest, can be recipients of God’s astounding grace… unconditionally.

We are RECIPIENTS of God’s revolutionary gift of GRACE. No one is beyond the reach of God’s gracious hands. The clearest demonstration? Jesus. The King to be worshipped was unjustly despised. The heart of the sinless was pierced so ours can be made whole again. We crushed Him to death; He ends up reaching down, offering us an abundant life. “Repent and believe,” He calls.

A gracipient is gripped by the truth that a great offender like him did nothing worthy to be embraced and lifted up by a holy God. As Chuck Swindoll says, “Receiving God’s acceptance by grace stands in sharp contrast to working for it.” God Himself stooped down to us. That’s what grace is all about—the amazing heart of its Giver, nothing about the receiver.

Consequently, a gracipient is empowered to embrace even the unlovely for he knows he was once one. And the more God reveals His unbelievable love in a gracipient’s life, the more he could love others beyond borders, intentionally and exceptionally helping them know Jesus also and love Him above all.

Oh, what love! Grace drives every action of God. It impacts every person, though none deserves it. Those in Jesus, the clearest demonstration of grace, are indeed set free from the shackles of sin.

Yes, as we deeply understand that we are just recipients of grace, that we do not deserve it, unable to earn nor repay, the more we come humbly to the Lord and the more we want to lovingly help others live through the same freedom God offers, and experience themselves what it really means to be “gracipients.”

By GraceDrive Ministries Blog