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Shepherds Care

Ministry in itself is a graced yet challenging calling. Not to mention the difficulties in leading the work, many pastors and other church workers are financially challenged, receiving much less than the standard minimum wage. Shepherds Care is an affiliate ministry of GraceDrive that seeks to help needy full-time Christian ministry leaders and their families as they also minister to others. At present it is comprised of the following arms:

  1. Grace Assistance Package (GAP)
    • Shepherd Care gives this aid to Pastors’ Widows, by providing Accident Insurance & medicine gift certificates.
  1. Pastors’ Kids with Special Needs
    • Shepherds Care also extends monthly support to pastors’ kids with special needs to help in the area of medication, therapy, education, or other concerns that require urgent attention, to help out the parents.
  1. Barnabas Fund
    • Barnabas means “the son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36). These are designated and one-time donations given for specific and urgent needs identified by the donors themselves which do not fall under the first two arms of Shepherds Care. GraceDrive, as the channel of this aid, appoints the specific recipients upon recommendation of the on-field regional teams.
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